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You can get in contact with us using one of the following email addresses:

Management:booking(at) ragdollmusic.de
Web Development Team:webmaster(at) ragdollmusic.de
Sales:sales(at) ragdollmusic.de
Band:band(at) ragdollmusic.de
General Requests:info(at) ragdollmusic.de

Or use our mailing address:

Rag Doll GbR
z.H. Dr. Amelie Protscher
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 25
14548 Schwielowsee OT Caputh

Use the following numbers to reach us by phone:

Booking:+49-151-5483 5045 und +49-163-806 8207
Sales:+49-171-704 9303 und +49-33209-171 490
Fax:+49-33209-171 491

Next Performance:
January 31, 2025, 20:00:
Dieskau Castle, Kabelsketal near Halle/Saale ...

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